Wednesday 12 November 2014

Mid-Week Evaluation

Sunday was great, Monday was good, Tuesday was alright, Wednesday was bearable .... wait what? Sometimes I feel like after the spiritual feast on Sunday I can conquer the upcoming week, but when I get to Wednesday Morning I already feel discouraged or unmotivated. How come? Well those of us who fast frequently know, how used our body is to food. And even though we eat until we need to open our belt on a Sunday, we know that we have to eat the next few days. Just like that, we also need to make sure that we continue to feed ourselves spiritually. My mother is the greatest. And sometimes, especially when life was rough, I came home from school to find a freshly home cooked superfeast that made my day. How would we feel spiritually, if we would feast upon the words of Christ daily? How would our thoughts, desires and actions change if we were to start our day learning from the Saviour? Would it make us better people? Would it help us to make better decisions? Would it help us to not just get through the week but to enjoy every moment of it?

Elder Richard G. Scott said: "Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high."


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